Jackall SDD Squirrel 115SP Hank Tune Silent Suspending Fishing Lure
The 115 Super Squirrel from Jackall has arrived, and the timing is perfect with the Barra dams firing at the moment and fish around the magic metre becoming far more common captures. The Squirrel has long been regarded as the best hardbody jerkbait for Barra, and the bigger version will certainly get some serious attention.
LOOK OUT AUSTRALIA – It is here! Over the last few years, we have been designing this new lure. Perfect for Aussie conditions.
With the popularity of the 79mm Squirrel, it’s been Jackall Australia’s project for a couple of years now to design a larger version of the lure. Look the same, feel the same, only with a larger profile. We also wanted the lure to cast further on heavy barramundi gear and dive deeper. We are proud to announce we have now finished our design and research and come up with a 115mm squirrel that weighs 22.4grms and dives to approx. 4 meters.
We have incorporated the same tight shimmy vibrating action and stability on the twitch of the 79mm squirrel in the larger model. Although the lure looks like the smash minnow it has a different vibration and dives deeper. We Chose our terminals to specifically suit Big fish (barramundi). Super strong hook hangers.
Product Features:
– High pitch vibration and rolling action.
– Steep diving ability.
– Stability when twitched as hard as you wish or rolled as fast as you like.
– 80mm baitfish slender body profile.
– Perfect suspending action when paused.
– Hook design for positive hookups and minimal lost fish.
– Owner Terminals rigged straight from the box for big Barra.
Product Specifications:
Product Code:Â SDDSQ115(Colour Code)
Brand: Jackall
Length: 115mm
Weight: 22.4g
Depth: 4m
Hooks: Owner STX58 hooks – #1 & #2
Rings:Â Owner Hyperwire 50lb split rings
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